My week is continuing to go well, except for the mediatation...sorry Chris! Thanks to those of you who gave me tips on how to get started. I will do it. I got to PR for three classes and yoga, and it was awesome. After class yesterday, I felt so exhausted though. I could tell that I needed to eat more, even though I feel like I've done well with my food. I just focused on calories, not trying too many new things yet. I will look into different foods slowly, but surely. I have one more run to do tomorrow, which should go well since I'm taking a break today. I did realize that I was supposed to turn in something, but I'm not sure exactly what. Is it just the log with everything checked or more?
I won't be able to make it today because I'm out of town scrapbooking. I'm sad I can't be there, but very excited to have time to scrapbook with my friends. Please share any tips or important information with me, and I'll see you next week. Have a good week!
Hope you had a nice time scrapbooking. You weren't the only one feeling somewhat weak this week, too, so it was nice to see others who just weren't up to par yet. Chris said if we do a hard workout we're allowed some sort of protein snack afterwards, even if it takes us slightly above our calorie cut off. He also said that taking in protein right after a workout is when your body absorbs it best. Hopefully that'll help you out next workout. Hopefully it'll help me out too. :)